Thursday, January 3, 2008

Three Firsts- and more Christmas Morning Pix

Lillie Mei had a great day today and was very ready to play and learn. She accomplished 3 new things!

1- She blew her nose! Only someone who has a had a child can appreciate the first time they blow their nose. She has been very stopped up and any help to get her "unstopped" is great. Now when I put the tissue up to her nose she automatically blows!

2- She can sing (well sort of) the Eensy Weensy Spider (not sure if that's how you spell that). When we sing it she takes her fingers and puts them together and moves them up and down while babbling--very cute--I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.

3- She went to gymnastics for the first time. She basically crawled around while I chased her but she really seemed to enjoy it. Her teacher wanted to her kind of explore and move at her own pace. I was exhausted by the end but she would've easily kept going!

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