Sunday, January 18, 2009

Disney Cruise

We just got off of Mickey's boat today and had a wonderful time. It was chilly but warm compared to back home. We had a great day at Castaway Cay yesterday and the weather was perfect. Lillie Mei loved seeing all of the characters, she just didn't want to get too close. She would give them high-five and blow them kisess but no hugs or kisses. She still is asking for Mickey Mouse. Here a few of our favorite pix.

1 comment:

The Tucker Troops said...

Hi Cindy--You posted on my blog awhile back and I went searching for your post this evening and found it. I feel so bad I never responded to you. I loved reading through both of your blogs. I hope things are going well for you. Ron and I looked at Lillie Mae's pictures and felt so encouraged by the outcome of her surgery. I have not met anyone who had the lateral cleft and the tag. Lucey's does not have an ear but the ear remenant that will not serve any purpose for her. I have not posted this yet but she will have not only her cleft fixed but her ear remenant removed too. We are a bit anxious about the surgery on Wed. Your blog was a huge encouragement to us. Lillie Mae is are a darling family. God bless- Beth