Sunday, April 29, 2007

When can we expect to get Lillie Mei home?

  • We still have a lot of time left on our adoption journey. If everything goes as scheduled (doubtful) this is what our timeline could look like.

  • Home Study written by 5-4
  • Pre-Approval from US Citizenship and Immigration Services by 5-11
  • Dossier Complete by 5-14
  • Authentication process complete by 5-31 (this involves authentication in Raleigh and Washington DC). I may be off on this one -not sure. We will use a courier to speed it up.
  • Dossier to China (DTC) by 6-10
  • Log-in Date (LID) by 7-10
  • Travel Approval by 11-10
  • Travel to China by 11-30
  • Home by 12-14

    My original hope was to have her home by Thanksgiving but I'm trying to be realistic. There were a lot of changes in Chinese adoption that took effect 5-1 so it may cause some delays even with special needs children. We have no way of knowing at this point. Thanks for your prayers!

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