Friday, June 15, 2007


We got some great news today! We received our PA (pre-approval)! This doesn't really factor into the timeline but it means that Lillie Mei is "on hold" for us. We can now have contact with her through care packages. Her birthday is next Thursday, June 21st, and I'm hoping to send her a birthday cake. We'll also be sending pictures and probably a stuffed animal that she can get attached too and then bring with her when we go get her!

Also, our official DTC date is June 8th. It still looks like our best bet is travel in November.


Tracy said...

Cindy, I am so happy for you and the boys (that would include Kirk!). You are truly a good mom, and Lillie Mei will be blessed to have you. I can't wait to meet her and learn more about her on your blogs. I hope to see you all soon!

Melissa said...

Happy Belated birthday to Lillie.