Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Lillie Mei!

I haven't posted in a while. It has been a very busy summer so far! Lillie Mei turned one on June 21st. It was very sad for me not be with her. We did celebrate a little though. Lillie Mei's Aunt Renee and cousins Erin and Braxton were visiting with us and we had small party for her (and I bought her first doll)! We've been moving the boys into one bedroom so we can get her room ready.

We are still not officially logged in but our case manager says we are we just don't have the date yet. My best guess for travel is November 2nd. I don't think it will be much later than that based on the current averages. Sometimes it feels like she's never going to get here, other times I feel like I'll never be ready to travel!!

Thanks for your continued prayers!

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