Thursday, April 3, 2008

Disney World and a Huge Boo Boo

Hanging out in front of our hotel.

You can't go to Disney without getting ears!

Piglet and the boys-Lillie Mei did NOT like the characters.

Look at my big foot!

Just before her accident-outside the hotel.

We arrived in Orlando around 3pm yesterday and at the Urgent Care Facility around 7pm. As we were preparing for dinner, I was ironing. I took a break after ironing for the kids to get ready. I left the iron on so we could continue the ironing (we had a dinner for Kirk's work). Lillie Mei decided to check out the iron and pulled it off of the ironing board and onto her foot. It stayed on her foot until Harrison pulled it off (probably 3-4 seconds). It was the worst accident any of my children have had and as usual I freaked out. Kirk was calm and got it in water. He called the hotel front desk and they connected us with a nurse. A security guard also came up to help us wrap it. She screamed when we took it out of the water so we unwrapped it and put a wet washcloth on it and took a cab to the nearest urgent care facility. The hotel actually paid for our cab! They were wonderful.

The doctor put cream on it, wrapped it and gave us a presription for the cream and some pain med. By the time we left she was her usual energetic and happy self. She has huge blisters on her toes and foot. She can't wear a shoe or get it wet. Not the day we expected but she is such a trooper!

We went to the Magic Kingdom this morning --just me and the kids. They all did great. We're resting now and going back tonight.

Here's a few pix!

1 comment:

gretabrook said...

You know, some people just know how to vacation!!! I really do hope the rest of the trip is uneventful....well, except for the usual mouse sitings and all.