Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Update and More Pictures

I took Lillie Mei to the doctor Monday. He referred us to a plastic surgeon, who I didn't care for. He peeled off the dead skin. I thought I was going ot pass out. Lillie Mei didn't really even cry. However, it is now raw and she fusses everytime we have to clean it and change the bandage (2x a day). He said we was surprised it wasn't deeper and he didn't think it would need surgery. We go back next Monday. She is such a trooper! Please pray that it doesn't get infected or need surgery.

Here are a few more pictures from our trip.

Watching the parade in the rain.

Ready for the sunshine!

One of my favorite pictures of my guys.

Where is Mickey?

The bike we rented while Kirk was in a meeting. Only Harrison and I were tall enought to pedal. At one point a stranger came along and actually helped push us up a hill!! :)

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