Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lillie Mei's Dedication

Today was a very special day for several reasons. Of course, it was my first Mother's Day with Lillie Mei at home and she was also dedicated during our church service. She wore an outfit I had made for her while we were in China. Many of our family members and friends were there to watch and to vow to help to raise her to know and love the Lord. On top of all that I was showered with handmade cards and presents from my boys. Kirk planted "50,000" flowers in the backyard for me yesterday and I spent the day shopping with my mom. It was my best ever Mother's Day!

Opening a special gift from Aunt Renee and Uncle Shaun who couldn't be here.

Receiving her Bible from Pastor Marvin

She was a wiggle worm during the actual dedication ceremony!

We can never get a good picture of everybody at once!

On the way to the restaurant she finally decided she'd wear her headband--she put it in herself!


Melissa said...

She looks beautiful in her white dress.

Elizabeth said...

What a sweet girl! It was great to see you guys this weekend! Keep in touch!