Thursday, September 25, 2008

Surgery Update

It has been an exhausting day! We had Lillie Mei's pre-op appt. today. She did fine. She screamed when they weighed her, measured her took her temperature, and her pulse. I'm so thankful they didn't have to take any blood.

We will find out tomorrow what time we have the surgery on Monday. It will last about 2 hours and they will remove the skin tags and repair the "divot" in her cheek. They will also repair her cleft lip. She should stay in the hospital only one night. Her stiches will be under the skin and will dissolve on their own. We have another appt. the following Tuesday. She will have tape on her mouth where the cleft is. I asked if she'd be able to remove it and he said her arms would be restrained---start praying about that please. She will NOT like that at all.

Also, they said only one of us can stay in the room all night. We both want to stay so one of us will probably sleep in the waiting room.

Please pray for her. I still dread it but know she will be fine. I feel a little better having talked to the Dr. again today. He's really nice and very reassuring.

I'll post tomorrow when I know the time.

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