Monday, September 29, 2008

Surgery Update

Not in a care in the world--in the kids' waiting room.

Playing with Babu, our pastor-Marvin, was so kind to come so far to sit with us while we waited. He actually beat us to the hospital.

TOOOO cute in her hospital gown.

Hanging out in her room. She still has a lot of swelling and is constantly feeling of her mouth with her tongue. I can't imagine how weird it feels.

Everything went very well today. I know we didn't call or text everyone. I hope this helps to post it here. Once she was out of surgery she wouldn't let me out of her sight until about 6:00. Sorry but I had to eat before I could post. So here's the run-down of the day.

She slept up until we had to leave which was a blessing. She never asked for anything to drink or eat--not even once. I am so thankful for that, becuase it would be sooo hard to tell her no. We arrived at 8:00. After we got checked-in and talked to the Dr., nurse, and anesthesiologist, they took her back at 10:00. They didn't let us go with her and she cried and I cried.

They had told us it would last about 2 hours. It took 3 1/2. They did call us twice to tell us it was going fine. The doctor actually had to go to another OR for part of the time and he said there was more cartilage to deal with than he had thought.

I got to go back to recovery at about 2:00. She was very groggy but not fussy. I held her there for about an hour and then held as they wheeled us to her room. She would cry if I moved at all. She fell asleep again around 5:00. Once she woke up at about 6:00 she was more like herself and has been talking and playing in her bed ever since. She has had a lot of apple juice but wouldn't eat the jell-o.

She has to wear arm restraints to keep from touching her face. We can take them off if we're right beside her which we've done a lot. They're kind of like splints that velcro on and off and hook behind her back.

Please keep praying for her. We have a long ride home tomorrow. I'll post sometime again tomorrow.

Thanks for all of your prayers.


Renee said...

Braxton and Erin have been praying for Lillie Mei. They haven't seen the pictures yet but will be relieved to see that she's OK. Even with her little swollen cheeks, she still has that sparkle in her eye. I pray she has a good night sleep (as well as the two of you) and heals quickly. We'll check in tomorrow morning. Love, Renee

Anonymous said...

sSo glad to hear that Lillie Mei's surgery was a success. We will be praying for her recovery. Praying for safe travels as you drive home.

Many blessings.
Steve, Kathleen, and AnnaGrace