Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Part 3- Christmas Eve

Our family exchanges presents on Christmas eve b/c the morning is so hectic. Of course, Lillie Mei's favorite part was the box!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas Part 2- Dec. 23rd and Making Cookies

We've been at my parents where there is no internet so I'm just now posting again. Enjoy the pictures of the kids after church on Sunday and making cookies for Santa. Lillie Mei ate cookie dough instead of decorating cookies. Harrison opted out for the most part--you know he is getting too old for that kind of thing :0(

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas! Part 1- The Wilkerson Family

Because there will be soooo many Christmas pictures, I decided to post a few each day. These are from our get together with Kirk's family at Jennifer and Kevin's house in Asheville.

Zeke and Molly making a gingerbread house. It didn't turn out well!

Lillie Mei had fun playing with Abby's toys.

The youngest family member, Noah.

Kirk and Abby. Abby didn't feel so well.

Harrison opening presents.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Ready for the Pool!

Friday night we stayed in Asheville and then went to the Grove Park Inn to have lunch and see the gingerbread houses before having Christmas with Kirk's family. The boys took full advantage of the indoor pool and Lillie Mei wore her bathing suit for the first time (the bathing suit I forgot to take to China). Lillie Mei slept during our time at the Grove Park Inn. It was beautiful and something we'd love to do each year.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Very Cute Present

Lillie Mei decided the other day that she would like to wear her hair bows. She kept pointing to different ones for me to put in her hair. Each time I added another one she would look in the mirror and look very proud of herself. She played like this for about 30 minutes before she started taking them out.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Good News from the Doctor!

We went to the doctor twice last week. Once for Lillie Mei's first visit where she got thoroughly checked and had a lot of blood drawn. The 2nd visit was to begin her shots. We decided, on the doctor's advice, to re-start her immunizations. She did great considering everything they did. The good news is we got the results today and all 14 tests came back normal. They tested for everything from Hepatitis to her lead levels. We felt like everything would be fine but it sure was nice to here it!

We are also in the process of getting her first appt. in Chapel Hill. We will see 6-8 doctors in one day when we go. It will probably be sometime in February.

On a ligher note, the boys had their school Christmas program tonight. Lilllie Mei ate most of the time. The boys did a great job!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Milkshake!

Because Lillie Mei felt bad she wouldn't eat much today. I decided to get her a milkshake which she loved. The straw and the sippy cup just weren't fast enough so I finally just gave her the cup without the lid. She had a blast but made a huge mess! Frankie was standing close by just in case of a spill!

The Bath

Following the milkshake, Lillie Mei got straight into the bath. She decided to try to drink the bubbles which resulted in quite the little bubble beard!

Our first fever

Last night Lillie Mei ran a fever. She was really fussy and up most of the night. She was whiny all day unless I was right there with her which resulted in a lot of pictures.

Lillie Mei loves to play with her nativity set.

Everyone knows the best way to put a puzzle together is while sitting in a box!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

My Wisemen

Tonight was our children's musical at church. Harrison and Zeke were wisemen. They both had speaking parts and small solos. They did a great job!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

A busy week!

I know it's been a long time since I posted--sorry. As you can imagine we've been very busy. On top of all of the Christmas preparations, Kirk was out of town Tuesday-Thursday. I have a lot of respect for single moms! I was so exhausted by the time he got home!

Wednesday was our one month "anniversary" of having Lillie Mei as part of our family! It seems like we've had her forever. My friend, Liza, and I were talking about how this process is so much like being adopted into God's family. We have been so blessed by Lillie Mei that we really don't even think about her "imperfections" at all. Liza pointed out how God loves us even with all of our flaws. He loves us unconditionally even though we are so far from perfect. That is pretty amazing but I understand it just a little bit better now!

Tonight we rode the carriage ride downtown. Lillie Mei loved the horses!

In additon to peas, Lillie Mei loves macaroni and cheese!

Wednesday night we went to the skating rink with all the kids from church.

You can't see it but her shirt says "Best Present Ever"!

Every year Kirk's Aunt Sarah sends the boys gingerbread cookies for each day in December. Lillie Mei ate the big one first and loved it!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Pass the Peas Please!

We found out Saturday that Lillie Mei LOVES little green peas--I mean loves them. Now when she sees me get out the can she starts screaming for them. She even tries to "drink" them from the bowl. It's the first green thing I've found that she'll eat with no problem.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Tree Farm

Yesterday we made our annual trip to the tree farm to get our Christmas tree. This year we also took Kirk's office staff and we all spent the night before getting our tree on Saturday morning. We were a little rushed b/c we had to be back for pictures in the afternoon. It was Harrison's turn to pick the tree and he did a great job!