Monday, December 17, 2007

Good News from the Doctor!

We went to the doctor twice last week. Once for Lillie Mei's first visit where she got thoroughly checked and had a lot of blood drawn. The 2nd visit was to begin her shots. We decided, on the doctor's advice, to re-start her immunizations. She did great considering everything they did. The good news is we got the results today and all 14 tests came back normal. They tested for everything from Hepatitis to her lead levels. We felt like everything would be fine but it sure was nice to here it!

We are also in the process of getting her first appt. in Chapel Hill. We will see 6-8 doctors in one day when we go. It will probably be sometime in February.

On a ligher note, the boys had their school Christmas program tonight. Lilllie Mei ate most of the time. The boys did a great job!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Love the bows. I'm so glad I got to meet Lillie Mei Sunday. She's so precious.