Saturday, December 8, 2007

A busy week!

I know it's been a long time since I posted--sorry. As you can imagine we've been very busy. On top of all of the Christmas preparations, Kirk was out of town Tuesday-Thursday. I have a lot of respect for single moms! I was so exhausted by the time he got home!

Wednesday was our one month "anniversary" of having Lillie Mei as part of our family! It seems like we've had her forever. My friend, Liza, and I were talking about how this process is so much like being adopted into God's family. We have been so blessed by Lillie Mei that we really don't even think about her "imperfections" at all. Liza pointed out how God loves us even with all of our flaws. He loves us unconditionally even though we are so far from perfect. That is pretty amazing but I understand it just a little bit better now!

Tonight we rode the carriage ride downtown. Lillie Mei loved the horses!

In additon to peas, Lillie Mei loves macaroni and cheese!

Wednesday night we went to the skating rink with all the kids from church.

You can't see it but her shirt says "Best Present Ever"!

Every year Kirk's Aunt Sarah sends the boys gingerbread cookies for each day in December. Lillie Mei ate the big one first and loved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We love following your blog! Lillie Mei is PRECIOUS!!! I know exactly what you are saying when you said you dont even think about her "imperfections". We feel the same way about AnnaGrace!! God is so good and we are so BLESSED to have been given such beautiful gifts!!!