Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas! Part 1- The Wilkerson Family

Because there will be soooo many Christmas pictures, I decided to post a few each day. These are from our get together with Kirk's family at Jennifer and Kevin's house in Asheville.

Zeke and Molly making a gingerbread house. It didn't turn out well!

Lillie Mei had fun playing with Abby's toys.

The youngest family member, Noah.

Kirk and Abby. Abby didn't feel so well.

Harrison opening presents.

1 comment:

Gina Lewis said...

Hello Wilkersons, I know that this Holiday was a special one for all of you. I am sure that Lillie Mei really enjoyed herself. I have continued to think about all of you. I got up Christmas morning wondering what she must think. I hope this coming year brings many exciting things.
Gina Lewis