Friday, February 29, 2008

Our Visit to the Doctors

Yesterday went very well at Chapel Hill. We saw 10 or 11 (I lost count) different people. Lillie Mei did great until the eye appt. She fell asleep on the way to the building it was is in and stayed asleep while they dialated her eyes. We had to wake her up for the exam and she wasn't happy!

We'll get a written report in 2-3 weeks but the general consensus was that she would have one surgery in the next few months which would include removal of the skin tags, fixing her cleft lip, and possibly tubes in her ears (she has fluid in both ears).

The 2nd surgery would be between ages 3 and 5 and would probably include a few "revisions" to her cheek area, working on her ear, and her eye.

The 3rd surgery wouldn't be until at least kindergarten (could be much later depending on how she is feeling about her appearance) and would probably involve removing a rib to fill-in her jaw.

Thank you for your prayers. Almost everyone was extremely nice, all were professional, and everything went very smoothly. God continues to follow us and take care of us on this incredible journey!

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