Tuesday, February 26, 2008

WHY do we buy toys?

Lillie Mei spent at least 15 minutes yesterday playing with juice boxes. She was very proud of herself!

Please remember to pray for us, we will be at UNC-Chapel Hill all day on Thursday. We will see a plastic surgeon, oral surgeon, orthodontist, speech path., social worker, psychologist, dentist, ear, nose, and throat dr., audiologist, and an opthamologist. It will be a very long day. Please pray that everything will go smoothly and Lillie Mei will not be too traumatized. I'll post as soon as I can after we get home.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Sometimes I ask myself this same question. Madelyn is entertained with a cup and a spoon. She pretends to eat something all day long with these two and stirs and stirs in that cup just as long.