Friday, May 11, 2007

Pictures Finally!

I know you couldn't tell it from our posts but we did get pictures this past week! The problem was we were in California and I was checking e-mail on my TV. Anyway here is Lillie Mei's most recent picture--probably taken May 7th or 8th. She has grown so much! I can't believe how much she has changed. It made me very sad when I realized how much of her life we have already missed. Kirk reminded me that she is not technically ours yet, but she is mine in my heart, so I thought of her often on Mother's Day.

I just received an e-mail from our agency and it looks like it might be next week before we get the measurements. I may not know more until our case manager returns from vacation on May 21st. I'll post ASAP!


gretabrook said...

Can't wait to see and meet Lillie Mei!!!! Hope you guys get home safe. :)

Melissa said...

She's cute. She's definiltey grown from those photos.