Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Patience is Tested Once Again!

Well, we got not-so-great news today, but we know God is in control. Our case manager heard from her boss in China today. It seems the orphanage director did not get what we requested (don't ask me why we heard otherwise). Because of a holiday in China, all offices are closed this week so we cannot expect it anytime soon. Her e-mail even said, "if we can get it by the 10th then she could bring it when she comes to the U.S." which makes us think it could be more than another week.

At this point, Kirk and I are ready to follow our hearts and proceed with all paperwork. God has re-affirmed that this little girl is part of our family in so many ways. If we did get really, really bad news for some reason we could always stop the process, but I don't see that happening. She is already a part of us.

Please keep praying. I know God's timing is perfect, I just wish He would consult with me first! :) Thank you for all of your kind words and prayers for our little girl.

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