Friday, November 30, 2007

Lillie's New Look

Today I took Zeke to get his hair trimmed and Karol wanted to try a bow in Lillie Mei's hair! I've tried before but she told the trick was to put a tiny rubberband in so that she gets used to it and can't pull it out. Then you just slip the bow in! Probably not her everyday look but pretty cute!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hard at Work

Yesterday Lillie Mei was very intent on putting all of the animals into the ark. She would try to put them in one way and if that didn't work she would turn it around. As a last resort she would pick the ark up and bang it on the floor (one time that actually worked). When she finished she picked it up and they all fell out. She very patiently started over. She has a lot of work to do!

In the last picture she was trying to walk and I just thought she looked really cute in that outfit!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just for the addicts!

I don't really have any major news but since some of you are addicted to the blog I thought I'd better not go more than 1 or 2 days without posting something.

Yesterday was Lillie Mei's first American Wal-Mart experience. She did great--I think she might like shopping! She also took a great nap yesterday and was in a great mood. Today she didn't do so well and only slept for 30 minutes--very grouchy.

She's walking a little more and starting to gain confidence. She seems to change everyday! It's hard to believe we've only had her 3 weeks. It feels like she's always been part of our family!

This picture is from Thanksgiving. Lillie Mei still loves to sit on any little item she can find!

She had fun playing with an ornmanet from her tree today.

Our friends, the terKuiles came to visit this weekend. Lillie Mei tried to feed her new friend, Dawson, some macaroni and cheese!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ready for our first visit to church!

Lillie Mei went to church today for the first time The hat didn't stay on very long but she sure did look cute while it lasted. She was slightly disruptive in Sunday School but fell asleep during the service. It was wonderful to let all the people who have been praying for her get to see her in person.

Friday, November 23, 2007

She Walks!

While we were at my mom and dad's today Lillie Mei decided to stand alone for the first time. A couple of hours later she took her first steps! Of course, I didn't have my camera but we tried to replay the event. This is the best we got! She has changed so much in the past 2 1/2 weeks!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm sure I don't have to list everything we're thankful for this year! God has been so good to us. We're very thankful to be home safely and for all of our friends and family that have accompanied us on our journey to get Lillie Mei. We all had a great Thanksgiving and then went downtown to watch them turn on the Christmas lights. We hope you had a great day too!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Almost a week at home!

We've been home almost a week now and things are starting to get into a routine. Our luggage came on Monday (only one thing was broken). Lillie Mei is going to sleep easily but wakes up A LOT during her nap and during the night. The boys are still going to bed early and getting up early but almost back to normal. Overall, it's been a smooth transtition.

Look Mom, no hands!

Lillie Mei's 1st experience with crayons.
She loves her noodles!

Cousin Erin feeding baby Lillie Mei just before bedtime.
Silly girls!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Starting to Feel "Normal" Again

Today was the first day that felt like it was somewhat normal(whatever that is). The boys went back to school and Lillie Mei and I had our first day at home together. We're still figuring out the nap thing but otherwise had a good day.

My sister, my neice, and nephew arrived today. Braxton wanted to help feed Lillie Mei. She's getting used to having other people visit.

Lillie Mei loves her new sippy cups.

We're trying to break Lillie Mei's habit of leaning back when she stands, we think she started this b/c she spent so much time in a walker before. She's doing great and loves her lion!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Last night Kirk's family came to see the newest addition to the family. Lillie Mei was extremely fascintated with her cousin Abigail. She wanted to follow her around. We didn't manage to get a family picture but here are a few!

Kirk hanging out with Lillie Mei and her cousin Noah. Noah is almost 4 months old and weighs almost as much as Lillie Mei!

A nice surprise from our Sunday School Class welcomed Lillie Mei home. I told Zeke we couldn't eat it until we took a picture so he got the camera and took it himself!

Friday, November 16, 2007

HOME! (Powdered Doughnuts for Lillie Mei)

Hi everyone, Kirk worked hard to get us on an earlier flight. We left Chicago at 6:00 (we flew standby and didn't know if we'd make it on until 5:55). We arrived home around 11:00pm. We all held it together until the last few hours.

Our luggage didn't make the flight. We knew we'd get it later but when we got home we realized we'd left one of our carry ons at the airport--the one with all of the adoption paperwork, the boys' homework, and the pearls in it! Kirk called the airport, they didn't have it, so he turned around and drove back to Charlotte at midnight. He found the carry on!! I cried when he called and told me--someone had turned it in (probably thought it was a bomb or something). God answered yet another prayer--He has completely overwhelmed me through this whole trip.

Kirk also got 2 of our 4 checked bags so hopefully we'll get the others today. Lillie Mei and I got some sleep from about 1-5 but she cried about every 30 minutes-not sure what is wrong. So once again, I'm up at 5 am posting. Kirk didn't get in bed until about 3:00 so we're going to tag team today.

Lillie Mei has been up less than an hour and she has changed the TV so that it took me 5 minutes to get the picture back, caused me to clear my coffee table, and tried to eat the fake apples on my end table! Boy, I forgot what it was like to have a toddler in the house! However, she also kissed me about 20 times in a row last night-the first kisses she's offered (except for 1 Kirk claims to have gotten??).

So far, she's only had 1 new junk food--powered doughnuts--an immediate hit!

I'll try to post more later as we all figure this new family life out!

Love you all!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stuck in Chicago!

Hi everybody! We're in America and Lillie Mei is officially a U.S. citizen!! However, our flight home got cancelled and instead of arriving at Greenville Spartanburg at 5:01 pm we will now be arriving in Charlotte at 11:59 pm. We are sooo very tired but thankful for how well the trip to Chicago went. Lillie Mei and the boys slept OK and we had a great seat arrangement. There's a small play area at the airport and the boys are having fun right now and Lillie Mei is asleep.

Here's our flight info-American Airlines Flight 4386 departs Chicago at 9:10 pm (Chicago time)arrives Charlotte at 11:59.

Just keep us in your prayers!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On Our Way!

Our luggage had to be outside of our door at 4:30 this morning and we leave for the airport at 5:30. We'll be in Greenville, SC in just over 24 hours from right now. Please pray that all of the children get some sleep on this long flight!

When we get home it will take a while for Lillie Mei to adjust to the new sights, smells, and sounds of our home and we'll all be very jet lagged. Our agency warns us that we need to keep her close to us to continue to promote bonding. We're not sure how quickly we'll be ready to take her out or how quickly we'll be ready for visitors but we'll let you know. We'll also continue posting on the blog so you can see what we're all up to!!!

See you soon!

Our Last Day in China!

Today was very busy as we had a lot of group photos made, ate our last meal as a group, and finished up shopping. The highlight of the day was going to the American Consulate to get Lillie Mei's visa to come to America! We had to promise that everything we had submitted was true and show them her Chinese passport and our American passports and that was it! She'll be an American citizen when we land in Chicago tomorrow!!!

As tiring and hard has this trip has been, I'd do it again tomorrow to get Lillie Mei. She is such a joy and it feels like she's been part of our family all along. I can't wait for all of you to meet her!

BTW-God answered another prayer. There is a dermatologist here adopting a child. She looked at Zeke's legs for us and it is a form of eczema. She gave us some samples of a prescription med. and it is already clearing up! Thanks for the prayers!

Our cute kids (if I do say so myself)!

There is a tradition at The White Swan Hotel that everyone take a group picture on the red couchees in the lobby. Lillie Mei cried the entire time--this was the best picture we got.

Quality time with Dad.

We were blessed with a wonderful travel group. We have all shared such a special time in our lives together that we will forever have a bond with these 7 other families--yet another way God has blessed us.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Couldn't Make this Up!

I can't figure out how to put this picture at the bottom of the post. Lillie Mei loves to sit on any little step she can find. She'll just sit there and smaile. Doesn't she look cute in shorts!

Remember that I was actually excited about eating at McDonalds last night? Well, we got there, took the stroller up 2 flights of stairs, and got settled. Then one family member from each family went downstairs to order. It was sooo hot in there. We waited about 15 minutes for the food and then all of our spouses came back up with no food! McDonalds was out of hamburgers!!! How does that happen? It actually had something to do with cooking them--the power went out or something. Anyway, we came back to the room and ordered pizza which was fine.

We went back to Starbucks last night and ordered the vanilla frappacino again. As soon as Lillie Mei saw it she started screaming for it. I think she may already be addicted. The Daily Grind may be getting even more of our money now!

This is from dinner Monday night. This is typically how we ate. Every table has a big "lazy susan" in the middle. They bring out about 6-10 dishes and we eat whatever we want.


This morning Zeke said, "I've played with Lillie Mei so much that I forget she has that thing on her face." That is so true. We no longer see her special needs, we just see her as our little girl. I can't wait to for all you to get to meet her--she is quite a character!

The lobby of our hotel.

Lillie Mei learned to play peek-a-boo with her blanket this morning.

We played in the playroom at the hotel. I think she's going to be a climber!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Tuesday Morning

Hi everyone. I think we're finally getting adjusted to the time change--that's great timing isn't it. It doesn't matter I'm excited to be so close to coming home. We haven't posted as much lately b/c there's just not as much going on. We skipped the sightseeing yesterday to have some down time (we didn't care too much about seeing a Buddhist temple). Today we head to the Pearl Market. Tomorrow Lillie Mei becomes official (I think). I'll be glad when we have her on U.S. soil!

Last night we went to Starbucks after dinner (can you guess what we hadfor dinner?) and I poured some of Harrison's drink in a little cup for her. It was almost like a vanilla milkshake. She made a huge mess trying to drink it out of a straw and threw a public temper tantrum when we took it away! It's hard not to give into her every want b/c of what she has been through but we're having to start disciplining her some. Harrison does a great job when she hits him (and laughs about it). He puts her down and walks away from her. She's starting to learn. She'll hit me then immediately start shaking her head "no"--then hit me again. We've had to start holding her hands and getting more forceful with our "No". We're still just so happy with how she's developing and pleased that she's doing those typical things for her age.

Zeke's rash seems a little better today--still not sure if it could be scabies. I don't think it is based on the info. on the internet but we're treating it just in case. One of the dad's is a vet and he helped us find some stronger medicine at a store where adoptive families leave stuff they don't want to carry home for other families who may need it. I know it's kind of scary to take the advice of a vet but it's that or go to the Chinese clinic here at the hotel hmmmmmm.......

I do have one more prayer request. As hard as this trip has been it has already been so worth it. We're beginning to pray about starting the process over for a sister for Lillie Mei. Would you all please pray for guidance. I don't want to assume that we are supposed to come back. God's hand has been on this entire process and I don't want to do it again if it is not His will. We both feel that if we did come back we would get another special needs child-possibly a little bit older. Some of the needs we have seen are so great. When we saw the village where these children would be raised and how little they value children with special needs it has just pulled our heart. Sorry--I'm rambling--please just pray--and any of you who want to come back with us.....we know the best places to eat!

I've already started packing to come home! We had to buy another suitcase for all the stuff we bought--might need another one after the pearl market :0). We're eating dinner at McDonalds or KFC tonight--never thought I'd be excited to say that. I'll post pix later --my camera is in the stroller with Kirk. Love you all!

One of those days.

Today started early with Lillie Mei's medical exam. She did OK at that but of course she cried when they tried to look in her ears, mouth, etc. She weighs 18 pounds and they measured her head bigger than before. They said 17 inches but I saw the tape measure and it was closer to 17.25--she's going to be fine.

Afterwards, I spent 2 hours filling out very detailed paperwork. Our guide here is not as good as the one in Jiangxi and it was very stressful. Afterwards, we went to lunch then Lillie Mei and I went shopping while the guys went to the pool (she was asleep in the stroller). Everything was going fine until she stood up in the stroller which was already top-heavy and flipped it over landing on her head on the sidewalk. She screamed bloody murder, I cried, and everyone watched. It was one of those moments you just wish you could change. She has a knot on her forehead but I'm very thankful she didn't hit her mouth.

We're just hanging out now and she's in a great mood so I think she's OK. Only 3 more nights until I get to sleep in my own bed!!

Here are a just a few random pictures. Yes, that is Zeke putting on a diaper! Harrison has changed one also! Enjoy!