Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This morning Zeke said, "I've played with Lillie Mei so much that I forget she has that thing on her face." That is so true. We no longer see her special needs, we just see her as our little girl. I can't wait to for all you to get to meet her--she is quite a character!

The lobby of our hotel.

Lillie Mei learned to play peek-a-boo with her blanket this morning.

We played in the playroom at the hotel. I think she's going to be a climber!


Sarah said...

Hey y'all...
I can literally see Lillie Mei becoming part of your family as I look at these photos in chonological order. In the beginning, you could tell things were a bit awkward for her, but now she looks like she belongs with you. It's so amazing to watch GOD "doing HIS thing!" In these most recent pics, I can definitely see a little spark of mischief in her eyes! And what's this about a sister for Lillie Mei? That's awesome! Just want you to know we're praying for you! BTW, my GAs said to tell you they love you and are praying for you and they think what you're doing is so cool!

gretabrook said...

I love that she loves her blanket!!!