Saturday, November 3, 2007

We're Here!

We made it to China! It was an extremely long flight. We took off almost 2 hours late b/c there was something wrong with the plane--the bad part was we were on the plane while they fixed it. So, we were on the plane for over 16 hours! Once the plane took off I (Cindy) began getting a brown, stinky water dripped on me from above. Kirk tried to stop it, I put a blanket on my head until the flight attendant came and tried to help. About 15 minutes later, the dripping stopped--it was condensation from the air filter. They were very nice and gave us a form to fill out to get extra miles or a travel voucher (we're hoping for an upgrade on the way home)! The boys did OK but are excited and exhausted at the same time.

At the airport we went through immigration, a health check (we just had to turn in a form), and customs rather quickly. Everyone's luggage arrived and then we headed to a bus then to our hotel, a 30 minute break and then dinner. Dinner was interesting (I hate a snickers bar afterwards if that says anything).

We are all tired and ready for bed. We meet our guide at 8:30 in the morning to head to the Great Wall, etc. It will probably be 24 hours before we get to post again.

We can feel your prayers--so please keep praying!


randletts said...


we are glad you are there safely. the guinea pig and cat are fine!!!

geordy and will said to tell harrison zeke hello.

gretabrook said...

SO, I've been checking this thing since good to see your post. The airline site said your delay was due to a scheduled crew change...go figure!! Addison wants to know what movie you got to watch and she's really curious about the food. I told her we should expect to see Kirk and Harrison eating fish eyes or something pretty soon!! Hope you get good sleep and to read more soon.

Melissa said...

Yeah! Can't wait to see photos of Lillie.

Unknown said...

We are so glad that you guys made it there safely. We're looking forward to seeing your next update.
You're in our prayers,
the Glovers