Monday, November 5, 2007

Lillie Mei

I just wanted to let you know a little more about Lillie Mei's personality. They call the girls from Jiangxi province spicy girls b/c the food is spicy and so are their personality. Lillie Mei is living up to that title. She is very wiggly. She also is very persistant. When she is eating cheerios she'll try to give you one and will hold it up to your mouth and grunt until you take it. She also seems to enjoy cleaning (yeah)! She loves to dump the cheerios out and then pick them up and put them back into the cup. She began hitting me in the face today and then laughing. I know it's a bad habit but I didn't scold her b/c it was so great to her laugh. I did try to distract her though. She also tried to bite me once today while playing.

She can stand up and walk around with our help but hasn't walked on her own at all. We haven't seen her crawl either. On our paperwork it said her favorite toy was the walker so I'm guessing she has had little opportunity to walk on her own.

Today we have been to three different appointments and she's officially ours just not a U.S. Citizen yet! We eat lunch in just a little bit, then have a break in our rooms then we are going to Wal-Mart and dinner. Enjoy the pictures!


Carmi said...

Hi Cindy & family! Lillie Mei is soooo cute! I bet it won't be long before she is walking around on her own. Sounds like she has pretty good fine motor skills if she is picking up the Cherrios and throwing them! :-) It took Karys a few days to stop grieving and when she did stop we saw her true funny little monkey personality.

Melissa said...

Very cute smile. I didn't realize Jiangxi girls were also spicy girls too. So are Chongqing girls. Even KFC in Chongqing had spicy chicken (and we didn't order anything spicy). She's precious.

jennifer said...

I want to hug and kiss her so bad I can't stand it! She has the sweetest little grin. God has truely blessed Lillie Mei and her entire family. Abby has changed her name to "La-la" and can't wait to meet her newest cousin. You all are in our thoughts and prayers every minute and get home soon. We love you!

Renee said...

She is so cute!!! I can't wait to hold her. You can just see that "spicy" personality in her eyes. Erin was thrilled to see that Lillie Mei was wearing the PJ's that matched the ones that she was wearing. Braxton cackled when he heard that she was trying to feed you cheerios and grunting until you took it. I'm sure she'll be walking in no time now that she'll have more freedom and it sounds like you shouldn't have to worry about other developmental delays based on your comments so far. I'm checking the blog in the middle of the night to see what's going on. We can't wait for your return!

Renee said...

I just realized I had a message from you. You must have called while I was drying my hair. I thought about calling you back but it would be 10pm there and I was afraid I would wake her or someone else up. I heard her little voice. I can't wait to see her. Tell her Aunt Renee loves her!!!

AmyJo said...

I can hardly contain myself! We love all the pictures & info, please post A LOT more! Hope that Lillie Mei is resting better and feels all your love and knows that she is completely safe, God has truly smiled on her little life!! Cant wait for you to get home!
Love from the Partons