Saturday, November 10, 2007

Goodbye Jiangxi! Hello Gaungzhou!

For some reason I couldn't access the blog this morning so this is later than usual. Lillie Mei had a decent night-went to sleep well but woke up several times b/c she couldn't breathe well.

We left our hotel room at 7 am this morning to eat breakfast and head to the airport. It went very well. Lillie Mei did great on the plane and didn't cry until the last 5-10 minutes (it was only an hour flight). Everyone's luggage arrived quickly and we were at our hotel by 12:30. We went to Lucy's for lunch and ate hamburgers and french fries with cold drinks (no ice but they were colder than any others we've had)! They weren't the best burgers ever (no comparison to Scott's back home)but were great considering how long its been since we had American food.

Gaungzhou is very quaint. The hotel lobby is beautiful and the rooms are nice enought--realtively small but clean. We have quite a few English TV channels for the first time which is nice. There are tons of shops within walking distance and we have already hit most of them. The kids and I took a short trip while Kirk rested and stopped by Starbucks which was also a treat.

Here are some pix from the zoo and park yesterday and the airplane today.


gretabrook said...

Although we know we are not the only ones praying for you and your trip, it is such an awsome blessing to see the fruit of those prayers every evening and morning. I am having great ah-ha moments with the girls as they are seeing their prayers answered too. Lillie Mei, you are more beautiful with every picture! Oh, BTW Kirk, the Daily Grind had to close it's doors...they weren't making enough money since you've been gone. :) Can't wait until you're ALL home safe and sound.

Melissa said...

I had forgotten Guangzhou had a Starbucks. We went our last day there and sat in the warm room while recuperating from getting sick that week. Our son loved the laser show by the White Swan. I hope they still have that for you to watch at night. Your posts bring back sweet memories. I can't wait to visit China again.

dee dee said...

hello Harrison!!!!How was the pool?Lilliemei looks cute!!!! Better than twin brothers....believe me...See you when we get back from Washington....SOUTH BRIGHT