Monday, November 5, 2007

Thank You!!!

It's 2:30 in the morning here and we're awake! Lillie Mei finally cried herself to sleep about 9:30 with Kirk rocking her while standing up. I think she's grieving. She just woke up about 1:00 with a dirty diaper. She's also very congested. She's finally taking a bottle though so that's a good sign.

I decided to check my e-mail and blog and am just so overwhelmed by how many people are praying for us. I can't described how blessed I feel right now. Of course, I'm an emotional wreck but so thankful for all of you. Lillie Mei will have the greatest gift when she gets to read all of your thoughts and prayers when she's older.

Harrison and Zeke are doing great. Zeke fell asleep really early last night and Harrison wasn't far behind. They were awesome yesterday. I was a little worried about their reaction b/c all of the other babies aren't special needs but they are sooooo proud of their little sister. They are awesome big brothers.

OK I've got to stop crying now and try to get back to sleep. We have another busy day tomorrow w/ more forms to fill out, 3 government offices to go to for forms, and some shopping with the group.

Thanks again, we love you all and so are blessed!


Maggie said...

I can't stay away from the computer
wanting to each pic as soon as you post them
Praying for all of you!!!!
Sleep for you all and not much crying for Lillie Mei
Love you

megan alisa is out of control said...

oh dear,
please dont cry. hopefully she'll start feeling better soon. You might want to get some rest. I'm assuming because it's 4 here that you must have just posted this and that by the time you read this, you BETTER have slept. Any way, i've been on the computer all day at school, keeping, myself, as well as others, posted. I'm counting down the days like Christmas until you get home and I can meet that gorgeous baby!!
As always, im praying for ya'll, and, keep post again asap.

Love Me.

p.s. i made a stupid 86 on my research paper, but my project stuff is going great. I cant wait for you to come to my presentaion! You'll dig it!

XOXO to the whole family, especially Lillie Mei. She deserves it.

Ashley said...

I am so happy for you guys--and I can't wait to meet Lillie Mei!!


randletts said...

We are so excited to see our newest little neighbor! Karen and Katie called us early this morning to let us know new pictures were on the blog...Geordy refused to go to his class (and he had a field trip today) until I pulled up your blog in my office at school this AM. She is beautiful! We said a special prayer for all of you during our "going to school" prayer time. George and Geordy just returned from feeding the cat and guinea pig. They said to let you know both are doing fine! We can't wait to see you all and we will continue to pray for all 5 of the Wilkersons! Lisa, George, Geordy and Will

Liza and family said...

Hipp Hipp Hurray!!!

We have already looked at Lillie Mei's blogspot 4 times today. I cry every time. I am so overwhelmed at how sovereign God's plan is. I keep thinking of Jeremiah 29:11. Lillie Mei, God has such a wonderful plans for you. Since the beginning of time you were meant to be part of the Wilkerson family. Oh, what a blessed little girl you are.

We love you guys so much.

Starr said...

Wow! I have tears flowing! I am so happy for all of you! Mckenzie and I have been reading every day. We were so excited to see pictures. She is beautiful! Hugs and prayers. Can't wait to see her in person!

gretabrook said...

May you have many moments today of joy, peace and just plain happiness. :)

Mr D said...

I finally found your blog!
Your little girl is beautiful!! I can just hear the joy in your voice as I read your posts! You are all in our prayers. Harrison, we miss you! As soon as the internet access is back up at school, I'll share the pictures of Lillie Mei with the class. Until then, love on that sister of yours and enjoy the time with your family.
much love and many prayers!
-Mr D