Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Just for the addicts!

I don't really have any major news but since some of you are addicted to the blog I thought I'd better not go more than 1 or 2 days without posting something.

Yesterday was Lillie Mei's first American Wal-Mart experience. She did great--I think she might like shopping! She also took a great nap yesterday and was in a great mood. Today she didn't do so well and only slept for 30 minutes--very grouchy.

She's walking a little more and starting to gain confidence. She seems to change everyday! It's hard to believe we've only had her 3 weeks. It feels like she's always been part of our family!

This picture is from Thanksgiving. Lillie Mei still loves to sit on any little item she can find!

She had fun playing with an ornmanet from her tree today.

Our friends, the terKuiles came to visit this weekend. Lillie Mei tried to feed her new friend, Dawson, some macaroni and cheese!

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