Friday, November 16, 2007

HOME! (Powdered Doughnuts for Lillie Mei)

Hi everyone, Kirk worked hard to get us on an earlier flight. We left Chicago at 6:00 (we flew standby and didn't know if we'd make it on until 5:55). We arrived home around 11:00pm. We all held it together until the last few hours.

Our luggage didn't make the flight. We knew we'd get it later but when we got home we realized we'd left one of our carry ons at the airport--the one with all of the adoption paperwork, the boys' homework, and the pearls in it! Kirk called the airport, they didn't have it, so he turned around and drove back to Charlotte at midnight. He found the carry on!! I cried when he called and told me--someone had turned it in (probably thought it was a bomb or something). God answered yet another prayer--He has completely overwhelmed me through this whole trip.

Kirk also got 2 of our 4 checked bags so hopefully we'll get the others today. Lillie Mei and I got some sleep from about 1-5 but she cried about every 30 minutes-not sure what is wrong. So once again, I'm up at 5 am posting. Kirk didn't get in bed until about 3:00 so we're going to tag team today.

Lillie Mei has been up less than an hour and she has changed the TV so that it took me 5 minutes to get the picture back, caused me to clear my coffee table, and tried to eat the fake apples on my end table! Boy, I forgot what it was like to have a toddler in the house! However, she also kissed me about 20 times in a row last night-the first kisses she's offered (except for 1 Kirk claims to have gotten??).

So far, she's only had 1 new junk food--powered doughnuts--an immediate hit!

I'll try to post more later as we all figure this new family life out!

Love you all!


Unknown said...

So glad you guys are home safely!!!!
The Glovers

gretabrook said...

Praise God for those long awaited kisses!!!! Makes 30 hours of travel worth it doesn't it. I am sure they wiil be among your most treasured. So very glad you are home and were able to get an earlier flight!

Dee said...

Kirk, not going to swear but I want too!!!! I was up and I could have driven you back to Charlotte, not to mention Kelly & Brad -! I saw how tired you and Cindy were. (Mama concern for you here) Cindy maybe Lillie Mei was crying because of the time change and all the new smells and sights. I just know she will settle in very quickly! She loves dogs so if you need to borrow two Chinese Sharpies' I will be glad to bring them right over. She will feel right at home then. LOL

Sarah said...

So glad to know you made it back home safely! I know this time of adjustment will be hectic for all of you, but don't worry one bit. My momma always says, "God takes care of ALL the details!" And boy, hasn't He proven that so far? :o)
Just wanted to remind you that you're all in our prayers! Don't hesitate to let us know if we can help in any way.
Love & Prayers,
Sarah & Brian

Anonymous said...

We are so happy that you are home safely!! So glad you were able to get your lost carry-on back!! Thank God for honest people!! God was definitely looking out for you!
We are praying that you all get the rest that you need!! We continue to lift your family up in prayer!!
Steve, Kathleen and AnnaGrace