Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lillie Mei's 1st Birthday

We were so happy that the orphanage returned the 2 cameras we sent with Lillie Mei's birthday cake back in June. We think the lady in the pictures is her foster mother. Here are a few of the pictures we got developed back in Jiangxi.


Ashley said...

"Hi Harrison it's Reece i'm in Sunday school right now." You are so lucky you get to go to China and you get to adopt a little sibling. I hope you have a safe trip home. I can't wait to see Lillie mei.

Ashley said...

Hi Harrison. It's Riley. I can't wait to see you and your baby sister!

Melissa said...

Wow, that's awesome you were able to get your cameras back. We did not get ours back and was told they were left on the train that brought the babies to us. She will always treasure those photos and I'm so happy they had a birthday party for her. That's a large cake for a one year old.