Sunday, November 4, 2007

An Exhausting Day!

I can barely hold my eyes open as I'm doing this so it will be short.
We went to the Forbidden City and Tiannamen Square--interesting
A jade factory- pretty but expensive
A Cloisonne factory-- very amazing-didn't buy anything
The Great Wall--unbelievable but freezing cold

Dinner-Harrison had an allergic reaction-benadryl in the room--but OK now

We leave for Jiangxi at 8:00 am arrive at 2:00 should have Lillie Mei by 5:00.

You guys are 13 hours behind us now that the time changed.

Can't WAIT to see Lillie Mei tomorrow!!!!!


Anonymous said...

We are so glad to see that you have made it safely to Beijing! I remember how exhausted we were! We cant wait to see your first pictures with Lillie Mei!

Steve, Kathleen and AnnaGrace

Gina Lewis said...

Kirk,Cindy,and boys, I am so excited for you all. I look so forward to seeing whats new on the blog. You know, having gone thru a similiar situation, not the same ending, I know what what kind of excitement and anixety you have. I can't wait to meet her. I would love to be there when you get here just to experience the overwhelming love, joy, and excitement that you guys are going to have. God has truley blessed you, and I will continue to lift you up in prayers. And baby makes 5 --how exciting. Enjoy your trip of a life time. How you guys will change this little girls life forever, what a gift !! Much love and prayers, Gina Lewis

Gina Lewis said...

Kirk,Cindy,and boys, I am so excited for you all. I look so forward to seeing whats new on the blog. You know, having gone thru a similiar situation, not the same ending, I know what what kind of excitement and anixety you have. I can't wait to meet her. I would love to be there when you get here just to experience the overwhelming love, joy, and excitement that you guys are going to have. God has truley blessed you, and I will continue to lift you up in prayers. And baby makes 5 --how exciting. Enjoy your trip of a life time. How you guys will change this little girls life forever, what a gift !! Much love and prayers, Gina Lewis

Maggie said...

Prayed for all you today at church
pictures are great
Looks very cold there
Love to you all

Eddie said...

Hi all,
Great to hear that things are going well. Can't wait to hear the news tomorrow. We are praying for all of you.
Love in Christ,
Eddie & Mollie

Melissa said...

I was told Jade was inexpensive but when we got to the jade market in Gaungzhou I didn't think the prices were all that cheap. There are a few little shops in Guangzhou that sells some Jade that is a little less pricey, probably not as pretty though.

Liza and family said...

Hey guys,

We are so excited to see the pictures and can't wait to hear about the long awaited union.
give the boys a hug for us.

the ter Kuile Family

Nanna said...

So glad to finally see Lillie Mei in your arms!! So many prayers have been answered it is just a little overwhelming.

She is precious and already looks right at home with her new family. I am sure she will adjust quickly and be sleeping at night. The next couple of days don't look quite as busy, hopefully all of you can get some rest.

I will