Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Zeke's Post

This is Zeke talking-mom typing.

Hi everybody. I have been having so much fun. I miss ya'll. Katherine asked some questions and we can't e-mail so here are her questions and the answers-

1. What is the GROSSEST thing you had eaten? I won't eat anything gross.

2. What is the WEARDEST thing you had seen? My daddy.

3. What is the COOLEST thing you had seen? Lillie

4. What is the TEST thing you have seen? not sure what you meant here

5. What are the TOILETS like? They are in the ground but in the hotel they are American toilets.

To first grade at Trinity--Lillie is very nice. I hope you will be looking forward to seeing her and I will be looking forward to showing you and telling you all about my adventure.

Your friend, Zeke


Melissa said...

Squatty's are so gross. I used only one the entire 2 weeks b/c it was the only one in site where we were at the time. Sounds like ya'll are having fun even on sleep deprivation.

randletts said...

Hey Zeke!
Geordy was really excited to see your post and the video of Lillie Mei playing with you and Harrison! We can already tell what a great big brother you both are to Lillie Mei. All of your friends at Kids Quest tonight will be praying for you and your family! Lisa

gretabrook said...

Oh Boy Kirk, you're ranking above the squatty potty for most weird!!!!! :) Hope everyone sleeps well tonight and have fun visiting the countryside tomorrow.

dee dee said...

South misses Harrison!! Looks like things are going well for you...By the way election went well...I kicked butt...thanks for your early votes....were praying for your safe return...much love The Brights

Sarah said...

Hey y'all... Just want you to know that tonight in my GA class we're gonna talk about you! I'm gonna show them the pics and stories and then we'll have a special prayer for you! BTW, I loves Zeke's answer about the weirdest thing being his daddy! Hope everthing's going well!

Love & Prayers,
Sarah :o)