Saturday, November 17, 2007


Last night Kirk's family came to see the newest addition to the family. Lillie Mei was extremely fascintated with her cousin Abigail. She wanted to follow her around. We didn't manage to get a family picture but here are a few!

Kirk hanging out with Lillie Mei and her cousin Noah. Noah is almost 4 months old and weighs almost as much as Lillie Mei!

A nice surprise from our Sunday School Class welcomed Lillie Mei home. I told Zeke we couldn't eat it until we took a picture so he got the camera and took it himself!


Skylar said...

Hi Zeke and Harrison,

Mom and I have read all about your new sister. It looks like you are going to have a lot of fun playing and teaching her fun stuff. I hope that she is getting used to being at home. Glad that you are all home. P.S. Zeke did you save some of that cake it looks good.

Skylar Edwards

Melissa said...

No place like home but China will always be a part of the family. Glad everyone made it back okay and everything went well except for the flight change at the end and thank goodness you found the lost bag.

E. Wood said...

Hey!! This is Mrs. Wood.I finally found your blogspot.(I'm a little slow.) You all have been on my mind constantly the past few weeks. I can not wait to see Lillie! I know she is one lucky little girl. Not only does she have wonderful parents, she also has two wonderful big brothers!