Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thursday Morning

Hi everybody! It's 4:30 in the morning here (yeah I slept much better last night-went to bed at 9:00pm).

Yesterday afternoon went very well. We went for our foot massages at 3:30. What an experience! We rode in a taxi. It was Harrison and Zeke's first taxi ride and might be their last. The traffic here is unbelievable. It's almost as if there are no lanes. Buses, cars, motorcycles, bikes, and pedestrians all ride together constantly weaving in and out of traffic. If three vehicles will fit in one lane fine, if only 2 will fit thats OK too. I felt we would surely kill someone. They use their horns constantly. When we got where we were going we had to cross the street. That was another scary expereience. Traffic has the right of way, not people, so you just have to start walking and hope they stop. Our guide went in front of us so I guess she would have gotten hit first.

The massage was quite interesting. They pounded are feet and legs literally. I have sore places on my back from the "rubbing". It was still very cool and worth the $15 dollars to relax (through the pain) for an hour.

Lillie Mei pitched a fit at dinner and wiggled her way out of her high chair. Once the food came she ate like she was starving again and stayed in the chair. She ate dumplings, rice, noodles, and watermelon. Somebody back home needs to start learning how to make Chinese dumplings for this child! She loves them! After dinner she took a quick bath, downed her bottle, and has been asleep with no crying since 8:30.

She's starting to babble a lot. She can crawl very well and I think will walk within a week or 2. As for her measurements--I think her weight is accurate-about 18 pounds. The 12 months clothes are mostly big on her--I should've brought more 9 month outfits. I brought a little sewing kit with me (mostly for the little scissors) that happened to have a tape measure in it. Kirk measured her head with it and the number he got was much bigger than what we were told. Based on that number, she would be closer to the 20th percentile on the growth chart. She seems very smart. I think she is going to be just fine intellectually. She will have a medical exam at our next location and it will be interesting to see what they say. I know God has answered our prayers in so many ways.

Today we are visiting the "countryside" to get a taste of a more rural area like where the babies are from. It should be interesting. Then we are going shopping for porcelain. Jiangxi Province is famous for its porcelain so I'm excited to get Lillie Mei a tea set and do some more shopping. The guide said we could expect to pay about $40 for a hand-painted tea set or $15 for a machine-painted one! After that we are taking the kids swimming in the indoor pool here. It is beautiful and they are very excited--at least Harrison and Zeke are--not sure about Lillie Mei.

There are a couple of e-mails I want to respond to and since I can't e-mail out forgive me for doing it here.

Jennifer--love the pictures of Abby!!! I think Lillie Mei will be right there with her in the kitchen cabinets. I think we may be in trouble when they get together!

Kelly--Noah is adorable sucking his thumb! Thanks for the pictures. I'm glad you are getting some rest!

Dee Dee- Congratulations! We read the Digital Courier and are so happy for you--we didn't even need to vote early!

Lisa R., Donna, Jennifer, Kelly, Liza,and anybody else with little ones--e-mail me the size of the babies' feet in cm (if you want squeaky shoes) and let me know what colors you would like. We will get those in Guangzhou next week.

Amy- sorry about the pizza--not sure what happened there. I'll be praying for you in just a couple of hours--you'll do great!!! I think giving the Mission Friends shirts is a great idea! Thanks again for filling-in for me!

I think that's all for now! We'll have pictures and hopefully video later--the camera died yesterday. Love you all!

BTW-Lillie Mei just woke up and I put her in bed with her Daddy--she went right back to sleep!


megan alisa is out of control said...

Hey again,
just wanted to let you know that Lillie Mei was the star of my english IV honors class today!
I used your journey to china as my current event of the week (i forgot to do one so i needed something, and i had lillie mei on my mind :)! ) My teacher was very interested. As well as the class. But I think some of my friends are getting jealous because i asked what everyone wanted to talk about at lunch and they were like, "well, were sure YOU want to talk about LILLIE MEI!" hmph. (Of course maybe me showing everyone that walked by her pictures that I had saved on my ipod had something to do with it!) lol. They're just mad cause she is the most adorable baby in the world!!! Any way, still counting the days till i get to hold and spoil that little princess. And I'm seriously looking up the recipe for them dumplins!

love ya'll infinity.

Love me

I never want to see another prize again! I had to seperate EVERY prize in your office today! Jeez, who knew this job would be so hard... i thought you just got to play with playdough and go on two week "vacations".

Renee said...

I'm so glad you guys had a good day! You sound much better. Do you remember when you got the second set of pictures of Lillie Mei? I told you then that she had a spark in her eye and I just felt peaceful that she was just fine. I think the prayers have been answered. Kirk, good move with the flowers! Braxton got his b-day card yesterday and they both love it, I don't think I can stand to hear the chicken dance again though, thanks! We're counting down the days until your return. Have another great day!

Melissa said...

Chongqing traffic same way. The rule is when walking get with a group of Chinese people. They know when to cross the road. And laundry is not cheap, not even in Guangzhou either. We were lied too also. I'm so glad you are enjoying your visit there. China is amazing that's for sure.

Gina Lewis said...

Kirk and Cindy, I am hooked to this web page. I can't help it. I am so anxious to see what you guys post next and to watch the video.Lillie Mei is just a doll. I am so excited for you all. I told Greta yesterday,how odd it is to feel like I along with everyone else is going thru this with you, and like she is one of ours. I am amazed at how easily she has settled down. I know you all will be glad to get home,and to show her off. She is just precious. It makes me want to reach in those videos just pick her up. Continue to enjoy your trip,and know that I am still praying for you all. Love in Christ, and a friend on lifes journey, Gina Lewis

Carmi said...

Hi Cindy! So glad to hear Lillie Mei is doing better and her sad days are over. I am so thankful that God led you all to her. After reading your post about what the guide said would have happened to her I just wanted to cry for all the children who won't get the chance she has. Praying for you all. Hope you had fun shopping!