Sunday, November 4, 2007

Have you ever seen this in a hotel room?


Zach & Noah Speaks said...

Oh my Gosh! I haven't checked your blog in awhile and today I check to my suprise YOUR there!!! I am so excited for you all but most of all for your daughter! She is so blessed- my prayers are with you and you can be sure I will be checking back daily! Love to everyone Carlene :-)

gretabrook said...

You know, I haven't been far from Bostic all that much, but is that a beard shaving a FloBee?

Chris tK said...

Hey Wilkersons! I'm amazed at your resilience. You guys seem like energizer bunnies... you keep going and going and going, despite lack of sleep and culture shock! I'm excited for you to finally meet Lillie Mei today. I've been praying for her to instantly feel at home once she's in your arms. This is one blessed little girl to be joining such a warm and loving family. Enjoy the day, and be sure and let us know if you have specific prayer requests!

Carmi said...

Oh yeah been there! The hairdryers are the pits! My hair looked like a wild cave woman the entire time I was in China. I just gave up on it after the first day!

Dee said...

Yes I have. Good thoughts about when I was in China but more excited about WHY you are there. Give my boys a big hug and kiss for me. When you see Lillie for the first time take lots of pictures of her reaction to the boys and their reaction to her. It won't matter about your's or Kirk's reaction in 50 years but it will to the three of them. Exciting time in their lives! Be safe and stay in touch. Can't wait until the 15th when I can hold her. Wish I knew more than "it's a bad day out today" in Chinese. Should have paid more attention in school. LOL. See you at the airport- Dee