Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Our Last Day in China!

Today was very busy as we had a lot of group photos made, ate our last meal as a group, and finished up shopping. The highlight of the day was going to the American Consulate to get Lillie Mei's visa to come to America! We had to promise that everything we had submitted was true and show them her Chinese passport and our American passports and that was it! She'll be an American citizen when we land in Chicago tomorrow!!!

As tiring and hard has this trip has been, I'd do it again tomorrow to get Lillie Mei. She is such a joy and it feels like she's been part of our family all along. I can't wait for all of you to meet her!

BTW-God answered another prayer. There is a dermatologist here adopting a child. She looked at Zeke's legs for us and it is a form of eczema. She gave us some samples of a prescription med. and it is already clearing up! Thanks for the prayers!

Our cute kids (if I do say so myself)!

There is a tradition at The White Swan Hotel that everyone take a group picture on the red couchees in the lobby. Lillie Mei cried the entire time--this was the best picture we got.

Quality time with Dad.

We were blessed with a wonderful travel group. We have all shared such a special time in our lives together that we will forever have a bond with these 7 other families--yet another way God has blessed us.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Would you believe I was sick the day of my group's famous red couch photos? I didn't make the photo. I'm so glad your entire family was able to get into your group shot b/c you'll always treasure that. Hope your trip isn't so bad on the airplane. Congrats to Lillie on becoming an American Citizen in Chicago.