Monday, November 12, 2007

One of those days.

Today started early with Lillie Mei's medical exam. She did OK at that but of course she cried when they tried to look in her ears, mouth, etc. She weighs 18 pounds and they measured her head bigger than before. They said 17 inches but I saw the tape measure and it was closer to 17.25--she's going to be fine.

Afterwards, I spent 2 hours filling out very detailed paperwork. Our guide here is not as good as the one in Jiangxi and it was very stressful. Afterwards, we went to lunch then Lillie Mei and I went shopping while the guys went to the pool (she was asleep in the stroller). Everything was going fine until she stood up in the stroller which was already top-heavy and flipped it over landing on her head on the sidewalk. She screamed bloody murder, I cried, and everyone watched. It was one of those moments you just wish you could change. She has a knot on her forehead but I'm very thankful she didn't hit her mouth.

We're just hanging out now and she's in a great mood so I think she's OK. Only 3 more nights until I get to sleep in my own bed!!

Here are a just a few random pictures. Yes, that is Zeke putting on a diaper! Harrison has changed one also! Enjoy!


Dee said...

Cindy,the flip over and knot on her head only means that she is now "Officially a Wilkerson". When I think back I am surprised sometimes that the three Wilkerson's are living and have a good brain left. When I read about this I knew she would fit right in with the rest of them - belive me!

Dee said...

Good picture of you Zeke changing a diaper. Looks like you have it down pat. Love you guys, Gran

Melissa said...

Lillie - you have the best big brothers ever if they are willing to change diapers. Kisses for your boo-boo.

Gina Lewis said...

She looks SO HAPPY!!! And more beautiful every day. You know accidents happen, the first of many. I believe she knows already how much she is loved you can tell by looking at her. I know you all are ready to get home. We are counting the days for you. We are addicted to your life and blog here at the Lewis house. Gina Lewis

Liza and family said...

Hi this is Anna things are awesome here and telling you about Lillie Mei, SHE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait to see her and touch her and hug her and all those things. I hope you get home soon ( so I can see her :0) Have a great time I am sure that she will be fine about everything. And do not worry about the fall it happens to all of us.

dee dee said...

cindy...good to see posterior baby teeth..that may mean her sinus is in good shape which would make surgery much easier...Welcome home soon...we'll be in Washington..South says hello to Harrison. The Brights