Monday, November 12, 2007

Tuesday Morning

Hi everyone. I think we're finally getting adjusted to the time change--that's great timing isn't it. It doesn't matter I'm excited to be so close to coming home. We haven't posted as much lately b/c there's just not as much going on. We skipped the sightseeing yesterday to have some down time (we didn't care too much about seeing a Buddhist temple). Today we head to the Pearl Market. Tomorrow Lillie Mei becomes official (I think). I'll be glad when we have her on U.S. soil!

Last night we went to Starbucks after dinner (can you guess what we hadfor dinner?) and I poured some of Harrison's drink in a little cup for her. It was almost like a vanilla milkshake. She made a huge mess trying to drink it out of a straw and threw a public temper tantrum when we took it away! It's hard not to give into her every want b/c of what she has been through but we're having to start disciplining her some. Harrison does a great job when she hits him (and laughs about it). He puts her down and walks away from her. She's starting to learn. She'll hit me then immediately start shaking her head "no"--then hit me again. We've had to start holding her hands and getting more forceful with our "No". We're still just so happy with how she's developing and pleased that she's doing those typical things for her age.

Zeke's rash seems a little better today--still not sure if it could be scabies. I don't think it is based on the info. on the internet but we're treating it just in case. One of the dad's is a vet and he helped us find some stronger medicine at a store where adoptive families leave stuff they don't want to carry home for other families who may need it. I know it's kind of scary to take the advice of a vet but it's that or go to the Chinese clinic here at the hotel hmmmmmm.......

I do have one more prayer request. As hard as this trip has been it has already been so worth it. We're beginning to pray about starting the process over for a sister for Lillie Mei. Would you all please pray for guidance. I don't want to assume that we are supposed to come back. God's hand has been on this entire process and I don't want to do it again if it is not His will. We both feel that if we did come back we would get another special needs child-possibly a little bit older. Some of the needs we have seen are so great. When we saw the village where these children would be raised and how little they value children with special needs it has just pulled our heart. Sorry--I'm rambling--please just pray--and any of you who want to come back with us.....we know the best places to eat!

I've already started packing to come home! We had to buy another suitcase for all the stuff we bought--might need another one after the pearl market :0). We're eating dinner at McDonalds or KFC tonight--never thought I'd be excited to say that. I'll post pix later --my camera is in the stroller with Kirk. Love you all!


Melissa said...

Lots of prayers to you on making this decision to go back.

Dee said...

Hey the only thing I'll say is "Vet's are a good thing". All of you who know me know what I'm saying. (Two Chinese Sharpie's hum, I think Lillie will relate to them... LOL.)

Love to you,

Gina Lewis said...


Carmi said...

Hi Cindy, I am cracking up about your "vet" comment! Maybe we can come back at the same time. Only we have to get Eliana's brother "Mike" who she has been drawing into family pictures for months now.