Friday, November 23, 2007

She Walks!

While we were at my mom and dad's today Lillie Mei decided to stand alone for the first time. A couple of hours later she took her first steps! Of course, I didn't have my camera but we tried to replay the event. This is the best we got! She has changed so much in the past 2 1/2 weeks!


Unknown said...

This is so GREAT!!! So glad you guys are doing well.
Can't wait to see Lillie... and see her walk.
-The Glovers

Jo said...

Wilkersons, Just spent an hour on line reading your entire blog! Loved seeing your sweet family as you welcomed Lillie Mei into your hearts and lives. Know adjustments will be hard at times, but if anyone can do it, you guys can. I am so proud of all of you! Can't wait to see Lillie Mei! Please know that you remain in our hearts and prayers. Love you, Jo