Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sunday Morning

It's 6:30 here and everyone except Zeke and I are still asleep!! We all got a good night's sleep--the most uninterrupted sleep any of us have gotten. We're all sharing one room now so it's a little more difficult if one person wakes up we all wake up(i.e. Lillie Mei) but she did great last night. We decided to go with one room b/c there were no adjoining rooms and we didn't want the boys to be separated from us. The beds are tiny. I slept with Harrisons knees in my back all night.

Lillie Mei loved her bath last night. I think she's going to be a swimmer. She's also started imitating the cow sound. We brought some markers shaped like animals (thanks Donna). When you put the lid on them they make the animal sound. When we do the cow she makes this grunting sound back--too cute. I'll try to get a video of it for you. She has changed so much. She already calls the boys gu gu--the Chinese word for big brother. They love it. She babbles da da da da. She says
"ama" when she wants me to pick her up--it works everytime. Before we had to really work to get her to smile or laugh now it comes much more easily. What a blessing she is! We're so thankful God lead us to her so quickly.

Today we're visiting a park and I'm not sure what else. The boys are dying to go swimming. It's supposed to be around 80 degrees here so we might swim in the outdoor pool.

Please pray for Zeke. He has a strange rash on his legs--hoping we can clear it up with the pharmacy I brought with us. The boys also fought a lot yesterday. They're tired of being together. It's safe enough here that one of us take one shopping or walking around while the other goes somewhere else. Hopefully that will help but we could use prayers for that also. Everyone is just ready to come home!

Love you all!


Renee said...

I check the blog constantly to see what new pictures/updates you've posted. I miss not being able to talk to you and get all the details. I'm glad Lillie Mei is adjusting to her new family so well. Sorry to hear about the boys arguing, but that's normal. I've prayed for Zeke's rash to clear up and for the upcoming flight home. We're anxious for you guys to get home and excited about meeting Lillie Mei. Take care, we miss you!

Unknown said...

Looks like Lillie Mei is really bonding with you guys quickly!!! She looks so happy in the tub and in the pool!!! We CAN'T WAIT to get to see her at home!!!

Love and prayers,
-Katie G. ...or the Glovers

Unknown said...

P.S. to my last comment-

Mom has made us promise we will not tell Dad about the price of stuff in China. She thinks (and we agree) that he'll be trying to get you to bring him back a suitcase full from the Walmart there. And we definately hope that George doesn't know!!!
-Katie G.

Maggie said...

Hello dear ones
We are praying for you
I check the blog several times a day-I am addicted now
We miss you very much but are sooo
glad we get the daily pics and comments from you
We love you and we are ready for you to come home also
Boys-hang in there be sweet like I know you can be
Love to you all

Liza and family said...

I can't get over how different Lillie Mei looks now, than she did when you first got her. She looks so much healthier and happier. She almost looks relieved, like somewhere inside her little person she new that there was something more that she was living for.
I get overwhelmed when I stop and think about how Lillie Mei Wilkerson's name was written on God's hand since the beginning of time.(Isaiah 49:16)

It is such a priveledge to be able to witness this union. It is so full of symbolism for each of us as God's adopted children. It has given me a new prospective on it all and touched my heart greatly.

We love you lots! You are all in our prayers.

Abby Morrow said...

Lillie Mei looks so happy now. She has changed already. She is growing. The boys look like happy Big Brothers. I know all of you are so tired. Have a safe trip back. We will be so happy to see all of you. We miss you and Love you. Abigail