Friday, November 9, 2007

Open the eyes of my heart Lord

One of Lillie Meis first exposures to the TRUTH. She was watching a baby praise and worship DVD.


Starr said...

PRECIOUS video!!!!!

Liza and family said...

I love the video. Dawson has the same DVD in the car. He loves to watch it and his expressions and gestures are almost exactly the same as Lillie Mei's. He talks to the children on the video and excitedly points. It is amazing to me how innaitely the same children are, no matter where they are from.
Dawson took his first steps yesterday. What a thrill it was for our whole family. When the third child is so much younger than the other siblings in away they become everybody's baby.
I can honestly tell you that the newness and magic of having Dawson still hasn't worn off for Anna and Katherine. They both adore "their baby". It looks like it will be the same for Lillie Mei and her adoring brothers.
Last night we let Dawson watch the "Silly Girl" video of Lillie Mei. He was completely enthralled.
They seem to be developmentally in exactly the same place. I cannot wait for them to meet. What good friends they are going to be. It looks like Lillie Mei will have him whipped into line in no time.

We miss you guys so much and anxiously await your safe return.

Liza and family

PS Anna wanted me to check and make sure that Harrison had gotten her email. She sent it the same day Katherine sent her's to Zeke.