Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I Couldn't Make this Up!

I can't figure out how to put this picture at the bottom of the post. Lillie Mei loves to sit on any little step she can find. She'll just sit there and smaile. Doesn't she look cute in shorts!

Remember that I was actually excited about eating at McDonalds last night? Well, we got there, took the stroller up 2 flights of stairs, and got settled. Then one family member from each family went downstairs to order. It was sooo hot in there. We waited about 15 minutes for the food and then all of our spouses came back up with no food! McDonalds was out of hamburgers!!! How does that happen? It actually had something to do with cooking them--the power went out or something. Anyway, we came back to the room and ordered pizza which was fine.

We went back to Starbucks last night and ordered the vanilla frappacino again. As soon as Lillie Mei saw it she started screaming for it. I think she may already be addicted. The Daily Grind may be getting even more of our money now!

This is from dinner Monday night. This is typically how we ate. Every table has a big "lazy susan" in the middle. They bring out about 6-10 dishes and we eat whatever we want.


randletts said...

The latest picture of Lillie Mei (on the steps) is so sweet. It is amazing to see the progression of this journey - it's like with every new picture and post your love for Lillie Mei and her love for all of you grows and is revealed a little more! You guys have had such an impact on so many people by sharing what God has done to bring you to Lillie Mei. Our family has been blessed by your blog/trip! Zeke's precious comment reminded me tonight of the wonderful, unconditional love that God has for all of us.
I was so excited to read that you are already praying about a return trip- we'll pray,too! Sorry I rambled...can't wait to see you all! Zeke, we'll be praying for you at Kid's Quest tomorrow night!!! Lisa, George, Geordy and Will

Starr said...

Lillie *does* look cute in shorts! She looks like such a big girl! Mckenzie and I are still checking several times daily for your updates and pictures. Still praying for you and can't wait to see her in person!
If only McDonalds would run out of burgers here. ;)

Debbie Gaskill said...

WOW! What a baby doll! She is sooo cute and I can't believe how much her personality has surfaced in such a short time period...Those smiles could melt a battleship...she is so responsive to all of you--that is amazing--she is one smart, beautiful toddler! Just wanted you to know that I was mistaken and thought you didn't leave till the 17th of Nov..(my senior brain)...so I am catching up on all the postings...Lillie Mei had already touched many lives and so have all of you by sharing the way God has been at the forefront of all of this...God is good all the time-all the time God is good...Lillie Mei has a whole family of "second moms, aunts and uncles " waiting for her...You all are a precious family and I can't wait until you arrive home...what a wonderful adventure to leave with two precious sons and return with a precious daughter! Love,Debbie