Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stuck in Chicago!

Hi everybody! We're in America and Lillie Mei is officially a U.S. citizen!! However, our flight home got cancelled and instead of arriving at Greenville Spartanburg at 5:01 pm we will now be arriving in Charlotte at 11:59 pm. We are sooo very tired but thankful for how well the trip to Chicago went. Lillie Mei and the boys slept OK and we had a great seat arrangement. There's a small play area at the airport and the boys are having fun right now and Lillie Mei is asleep.

Here's our flight info-American Airlines Flight 4386 departs Chicago at 9:10 pm (Chicago time)arrives Charlotte at 11:59.

Just keep us in your prayers!


Maggie said...

Do you need someone to come pick you up in Charlotte?

Carmi said...

Hi Cindy! Bummer on getting stuck in Chicago. Good to know ya'll are back in the USA though! Will pray that your flight to Charlotte goes well. Did you all leave a car in Greenville or was someone coming to pick you up either way? I will share what we did to get the girls on track here, Benadryl! It worked too, not one single problem with jet lag, unlike when we traveled for Eliana!

Starr said...

YAY!! Karen just asked me tonight (at the Volleyball match) if y'all were home yet! I know you must be EXHAUSTED! Hope the rest of your trip is safe and uneventful. Looking forward to hearing how Lillie reacts to her beautiful new room!

Maggie said...

WELCOME HOME!!! Wilkerson Family
Will pray for new adjustments!and REST!

Let me know when we can contact you.
Sorry I called last night, but I thought your car was in Greenville
and I was frantic.
Love to you all