Thursday, November 8, 2007

Friday Morning

Good morning! I slept a little later this morning but both boys are awake earlier than usual. It's hard to teach them that they have to be quiet b/c their sister is sleeping. We ended up getting 2 rooms at this hotel and I'm very thankful we did. The beds are only slightly larger than a twin bed so everyone has had their own bed. At the next hotel we can't get adjoining rooms so we'll probably just have 1 room which will make it harder for everyone to sleep. We're trying to at least get a suite.

After her little temper tantrum last night, Lillie Mei has slept soundly. She's still asleep and it's 6 am here. We leave at 9:30 for the zoo this morning and a local park then lunch. I am so sick of Chinese food! It's different here than back home and some of it is very good but we've eaten it a dozen or more times already.

We leave our hotel at 8:00 in the morning for the airport and our last flight before the big one coming home. It will be a good test to see how Lillie's going to do on the flight home. Tomorrow's flight is only about an hour. I'm so ready to get her home. We're over half-way there! Guanzhou is the most "Americanized" of the places we visit b/c the American Consulate is there. Every American family adopting has to go through there before coming home so there will be fewer stares and more American food! There is also a lot of shopping there!!

Several people have e-mailed me that you can't post comments. You can just e-mail me if you're having trouble- Just remember I can't e-mail back.

Thanks again for all of your comments. They have been such a comfort. I am so thankful for all of the prayers. We asked people to specifically pray for safety, that Lillie Mei would bond quickly, and that none of us would get sick--they have all been answered! We love you all!


randletts said...

The latest pictures are so sweet! Lillie Mei looks like she is already having lots of fun with her big brothers! Hope all of you have a great time at the zoo and we'll pray for safe, easy traveling for the rest of your trip and good American food!

Gina Lewis said...

The pictures are WONDERFUL!!! She looks more precious with each picture that you send. The boys look so proud. I am just overjoyed with excitement for you all. Thank you for the way that you have kept your blog up daily with your pictures and your writings. It is just amazing what God has done, But just like God !! Can't wait to hear from you tomorrow. many prayers, Gina Lewis

Renee said...

I looked for chinese dumplings in the commissary today, they have a large selection of Asian food. I'm not sure what they're suppose to look like so take a picture of one the next time Lillie Mei eats one. Also, have you been able to hold out on giving her the dum dum lollipops yet? I'm hoping they'll help on the long flight. The latest pictures of her are very cute. I love the ones of her with the boys and Kirk and the ones where she's wearing just a diaper. All of them are cute! She appears to be very happy. I keep going back and watching the "silly girl" video. Hope you can send another video. Looking forward to your next post!

Melissa said...

Unfortunately around the White Swan there really isn't that many restaurants with American food. At least you do have breakfast buffet. Danny's bagel will deliver. Warning, the pizza isn't that great, but their bagels are good. Love watching your posts and all the photos.

gretabrook said...

Have a great time at the zoo and enjoy your last day and night in Nanchang. Praying for a safe flight Saturday.

Anonymous said...

Hello! We are so glad that all is going well! You are on the home stretch once you arrive in Guanzhou! You will enjoy it there! We were so glad to have americanized food!! The breakfast buffet is fabulous! I am sure you will visit Lucy's a few times :)!
We continue to cover you in prayer!

Steve, Kathleen and AnnaGrace