Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Rural Village

This morning we traveled to a more rural village that would be more like where our babies would've lived in China. We were told this was a nicer village than some. The people were so nice and kind. We drew a little bit of an audience. It was very interesting to see how more of the Chinese people live. We are so lucky in America!

This lady was doing laundry in some very dirty water.

A Christian house. Our guide said that b/c they were in a village the govt. wouldn't bother them. They didn't seem to be hiding it.

This is the family that let us come into their house. Below are the kitchen and bedroom in the house.


Melissa said...

I wish we had the opportunity to visit with a family. We stayed in the big city most of the time but we saw homes from the outside that were probably not as nice as what you posted even in one of the largest cities in China. Lillie looks so happy in the latest photos and I bet she'll definitely be a daddy's girl. The same happened here.

Carmi said...

Hi Cindy,

How neat that you got to visit the village. We have not been able to do that either time we were in China. When we were there last month we asked if we could go to McDonalds! Maybe you can ask and you guide could take you there instead of for Chinese food? It can't hurt to ask. We were sick of that food too by the time we left. Go to Lucy's in Guangzhou, it's right by the White Swan. They have good American food and even ice tea (sort of) at least it was not lipton from a bottle! :-)