Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Much Better Day!

Today has been so nice. After my last post at 3:00 this morning, I went back to sleep for more than 3 hours! I felt so much better. At 9:30 we went to a pavilion where someone important used to live. The building was beautiful and the boys had so much fun playing in the gardens area. Afterwards we ate lunch and it was good! Lillie Mei ate her weight in dumplings (not much chance of me being able to make those at home), steamed egg, and watermelon. She is still offering me food. Today she took part of the dumpling out of her mouth and insisted I eat it--I faked it:0).

Afterwards we came back to the room and she's asleep now after a little bit of a temper tantrum. She did throw up twice today but she's OK now I think her tummy is just adjusting to everything.

At 3:30 we are all going to get foot massages. An hour long massage costs less than $20! The men and women are trading off watching the children. Then dinner at 6:30 so we'll have some down time before bed.

Things are starting to become routine. It still takes me 15 minutes to pack the diaper bag (I'm a little out of practice)!

We'll post more later!


Unknown said... seems Lillie is adjusting quite nicely. Her little laugh is too cute. She seems to be a happy camper and boy is she lucky and blessed to have you guys as her new family. I can only imagine the joy and pride that you are feeling now. We showed Abigail the latest video and and she is trying her best to say Lillie. GOD bless and we'll write again soon.

Liza and family said...

I am so glad today has been a better day. It is like you are fitting the whole first year of life transitions into a matter of days. I can't even imagine how wonderful, but very difficult the last few days have been.

Know you are in our thoughts and prayers contantly. We can't wait to meet this precious girl. It makes me incredibly happy to think that Dawson is going to grow up with Lillie Mei as his friend. Good friends are such a blessing from God.

We Love You guys!!

the ter Kuiles